Welcome to the
Temple #69 of Detroit, Michigan
Church Of The Living God
Motto: Christian Workers for Fellowship (C.W.F.F.)
Worship ServiceS
Meet Our Pastor
Elder Vernita D. Berry
In 2021, Elder Berry began assuming pastoral responsibilities while aiding Pastor Robbins during her ongoing health challenges. After the resignation of Pastor Emeritus Jacquelyn Robbins in July 2022, Elder Vernita Berry said, “send me, I’ll go” and stood in the gap to bear the cross as Sheppard of this house until she officially became appointed as the Interim Pastor at the National Convention in July, 2022 by Chief Bishop Dr. Wex Waddell
Pastor Vernita Berry shared the vision God had given her to become the “Church on the Go.” Since becoming Pastor, she has taken the mantle and embraced the great commission given by Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 28:10-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: an lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world”
She has understood her assignment to be a soul winner for Christ, with a heart posture to bring ALL who will come, into the family of God. Even personally picking up our youth so that they can come to church and learn of The Way-The Truth & The Life which is the gospel of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. She is a daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, auntie and friend. She is our Pastor, Elder Vernita Denise Berry.
As a child, while attending Church of the Living God, Temple #69, Vernita Denise Berry was baptized by the beloved, late Bishop I.C. Collins at an early age. As she blossomed through her school years and beyond, she found herself living Proverbs 22:6- “Train up a child in the way he should go: And we he is old, he will not from depart from it” she returned to the house of the lord in 1996, with a hunger & thirst for the knowledge of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 2000 she accepted her calling into the ministry and completed her trial sermon on March 11, 2001.
In July 2003, she was ordained as an Elder on the ministerial staff, serving under the leadership of the beloved, Pastor Emeritus Jacquelyn F. Robbins. In addition to her ministerial responsibilities, she served in several positions such as Vice President & President of the Celestrial Voices; Teacher, Director & Sponsor for the Y.P.P.U. (Young People’s Progressive Union); Church Clerk; Administrative Assistant; Bible Study Teacher, New Members Teacher, Ordination Teacher and Health Services Vice President.
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