Church of the Living God C.W.F.F.
Temple #69 History
As World War I came to an end in November 1918, the factories in the City of Detroit began to convert to civilian production. The Ford Rouge Plant began to build boats and convert to automobiles. General Motors announced its plans for a new headquarters, the Durant Building, later named the GM building. In 1919, James Couzens was Mayor of the City of Detroit. Detroit had silent movies and live theaters, amusement parks along Jefferson Avenue and population between 1910 and 1920 almost doubled, to just less than one million.
Also in 1919, Bishop M.L. Gibson established the Church of the Living God, C.W.F.F. Temple #69 in the 4th Episcopal Diocese in Detroit, Michigan. The first service was held in the home of Brother and Sister John Green 1965 Chestnut Street. The first persons to unite were Brother Henry Gibbs and Sister Olivia Hickman-Johnson. As the membership increased, the church had to move to 1944 Monroe Street under the leadership of Bishop M.L. Gibson. The membership continued to grow under the leadership of Bishop Gibson that led to the purchase of the church at 1830 Macomb Street. There were several pastors assigned to Macomb Street including Elder Daniel Buckner, Elder A.J. Moore, Elder Lee Anderson, Elder Henry Robertson, Elder J.J. Jackson, Elder C.R. Brown, and Elder J. McMillan, Elder Milton, and Overseer J.R. Gipson.
In 1946, the City of Detroit purchased the building at 1830 Macomb Street, Overseer J.R. Gipson, the trustees, and members found an edifice nearby and purchased by cash the church and parsonage at 3152 and 3156 Arndt Street. The pastors at Arndt Street were Overseer J.R. Gipson, Elder A.D. West, and Elder J. Tyler, and Bishop I.C. Collins. In 1961, Bishop Collins moved the church to its present edifice 7053 Longyear. The temple was dedicated December 3, 1961, valued at $70,000; the mortgage burning took place July 28, 1974. In 1979, Elder Gary Ray was appointed to pastor for four years. In 1983, Elder David L. Harrison was appointed pastor until 1985. Elder Horace M. Robbins was appointed in 1985 and served until 1995.
September 1995, Elder Jimmie Ward, Jr. was appointed to pastor Temple #69. Elder Ward had served for five years previously, as Assistant Pastor. During his tenure as Pastor, he established a special fellowship and rapport with the parishioners. Elder Ward prayerfully used the theme: “THIS IS A NEW DAY WITH GREAT POSSIBILITIES.” Under the leadership of Elder Ward the church installed a central air conditioning/heating unit, 7043 Longyear and two (2) lots on Frontenac were purchased. The Grace Outreach Community Program, Unity in the Community Fun Day, Feed and Clothe the Community Program, and the Overseer Horace M. Robbins Scholarship Fund were established. He envisioned a community that says to Detroit, “we are here to be reckoned with.” A church that says to the citizens, “we care about you,” and most of all we care about the souls of you and your children. In November 1998, Elder Jimmie Ward resigned for personal reasons.
However, our ministerial staff, under the leadership of Elder Jacquelyn F. Robbins picked up the torch to complete the fiscal year. Our ministerial staff worked together to continue the programs set in motion by Elder Jimmie Ward, Jr. The ordained Elders Jacquelyn Robbins, Thelma Ward, and Darrell Davis led us in the interim until God assigned our next pastor.
In April 1999, Bishop J.C. Hawkins appointed Elder Jacquelyn F. Robbins to pastor Temple #69. Pastor Robbins appointed Elder Darrell Davis to the position of Assistant Pastor. Under the leadership of Pastor Robbins and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we have seen the number of our membership increase and the increase of our Breakfast Ministry that came to be known as our Early Morning Service due to Pastor Robbins recognizing that we can’t only physically feed the people but we are here to feed their souls with spiritual food (The Holy Bible). The spiritual growth of the church also includes new Ministries such as Leadership Class, Youth Bible Study, and Daughters Promising to Reign.
Since her appointment in 1999, Pastor Robbins has allowed the Holy Spirit to lead her and direct her in making many improvements to the physical appearance of the church building – our tithes/offerings at work. Pastor Robbins and the Board of Trustees made the decision to have the following work done to spruce up the Church of the Living God: waterproofing, the first computer lab that included a new computer for our office, renovation of the vestibule. As the Bible instructs us to give honor where honor is due; Pastor Robbins envisioned a wall of history that would honor our past Pastors - it came to pass. During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Pastor Robbins endured a slew of illnesses that demanded her undivided attention, prompting her to appoint her most senior associate on staff, Elder Vernita Berry to oversee & meet the spiritual needs of the congregation. In 2021, She began assuming pastoral responsibilities while aiding Pastor Robbins during her ongoing health challenges. After nearly 24 years of service as Pastor, Pastor Emeritus Jacquelyn L. Robbins resigned in July 2022, Elder Vernita Berry said, “send me, I’ll go” and stood in the gap to bear the cross as Sheppard of this house until she officially became appointed as the Interim Pastor at the National Convention in July, 2022 by Chief Bishop Dr. Wex Waddell. In October 2022, she was appointed as Pastor by Bishop J. M. Williams and then officially installed as Pastor in March 2023.
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